Monday, May 03, 2010

Us Update

I just realized how very difficult it can be to get two little children to look at the camera let alone smile at the same time! Perhaps if I had made more of a fool of myself they would have complied. Anyway, Kevin has been such a sweet big brother to Makayla. She loves his attention (most of the time) and enjoys laughing at him when he says, "Get you!" I've thoroughly enjoyed watching the dynamics between the two of them and am surprised repeatedly at how they can have a strong sibling bond at such a young age. Makayla is our little explorer now that she is crawling everywhere and is trying to decide if she is ready to pull herself up all the way to stand or just stick her little bottom in the air. Her eyes are still her greatest feature. No matter where I take her, anyone who comes to talk to her comments on her big brown eyes. She can either stare you down or melt your heart. Such a girl! Kevin has been able to fully enjoy country life this year now that he is becoming so much more of an independent little guy. Spring has been the most wonderful time of the year in his mind, and he enjoys being able to go outside almost every day and play with his cousins or help Grandma in the garden. He is also enjoying practicing his ABC's ("A, B, C, D, F, G, I-";) and trying to find middle C on the piano. Seth has stayed busy with businenss and the many aspects that are entailed in a trucking/bio-mass operation. He has done so well at his job and we are so blessed to have such a diligent leader of our home. I have been doing well despite this pregnancy being the more difficult of the three. Drinking a rather repulsive herbal tea has really been helping with some strong pain episodes, and since I've been drinking it I have felt much better. I'm trying to prepare myself for another little baby to add to our very young clan, trying not to fret over the realization that it will be a lot of work with a newborn, a one year old, and a two year old. Thus far it has been a comfort to know that my heavenly Father already knows my circumstances. This is another opportunity for me to strive to glorify Him by the way I respond and conduct myself. Now just to execute such an easy-to-say statement!
There is an update in a nut shell. Eventually I'll try and post the pictures I took of Makayla in the tulips for her nine month pictures.