Friday, September 24, 2010

Kids in the Kitchen

My little kitchen helpers.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Raggedy Ann & Andy

My poor daughter is stuck with a mother who just loves playing with hair, and she was so patient with me as I put rags in her hair. She will have cute little curls in the morning!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Homey Hutch

garden bounty!
My find of the year! While browsing through our local shoppers, I came across yet another garage sale ad that said they had a hutch. The sale was to be Thursday through Saturday with Saturday being half off everything. I wrote it off at first thinking that the possibility of it being a nice hutch and being affordable was unlikely, but it kept nagging at the back of my mind, so finally Saturday morning I asked Seth about it and he gave me the go ahead to see if it was still there, etc. I arrived to find it staring back at me as if to say, "I'm yours!" They had a $300.00 price tag on it, but since it was Saturday I was able to get it for $150.00. I was thrilled! I now have two extra cupboards and three deep drawers, which are greatly apprecieated! We even have a cozy light for evening time.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Us Update

I was doing dishes one afternoon and turned around to find both of my children enjoying these boxes. Sadly, the one picture where they were both smiling didn't turn out. They were having such a good time playing together. Anyway, life for the Seth Streblow family has been progressing steadily along. Seth has continued to stay busy with Riverdale and now is focusing again more on the grinding side of the business after spending a lot of time strengthening the trucking side. We were just able to join him on his last grinding venture to Fairmont since my parents live in that area. It is always nice to "tag along" with Seth. Kevin and Makayla both thought it was so neat to watch Papa in action when we would take him his lunch. Seth never ceases to amaze me with his ability to manage and oversee, not only his business, but his family as well. We all love him so much, and rely heavily on his guidance! Kevin continues to surprise me with his little remarks here and there. He is quite the conversationalist and is such a good big brother to "Sweetie". It seems so strange to be able to talk with my almost three year old and I'm not the only one starting the conversation. Lately, we have enjoyed working on Scripture memory verses together. That has been a highlight throughout the week and I am amazed at how he is able to retain what he hears. I believe it has been a good exercise for both of us. Makayla has grown up so fast in the last few months. She went from being my sweet little baby to my sweet little toddler. Our home now has two children that enjoy walking and running around all over the place. I must say I was somewhat relieved to have her walking before our next baby, but I am going to miss her little crab-walk crawl. She still melts my heart and is learning so much every day. Imitation is something that she greatly enjoys. Her vocabulary is starting to expand and she makes me laugh when she tries to express herself with her soft high voice and her copy-cat inflection. Having a new sibling will be a big learning curve for her I think because she is quite attached to her mama, but I'm sure that Kevin will be a big help to her. As for me, I am now four weeks away from my due date. I've been asked several times if I am ready for this baby, and I seem to hesitate to answer. Even now as I think about it, I find myself thrilled to welcome our third little Streblow, yet content to enjoy the time of just having two. Looking back, the time between Kevin and Makayla went faster than I would have thought, and I wish I would have revelled more in that time with my son. I will say that I'm looking forward to fewer aches and pains in about a month though. Overall I've been feeling very well - nothing too out of the ordinary. Just the last month of trying to get comfortable and never really succeeding. Please pray with us for a safe and healthy delivery. Well, posts are fewer and farther between these days, and I don't anticipate the ability to increase my already declining accounts, but I will try to update as the proper time allows.