Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Seth took the boys out riding yesterday. My brothers were here for a week and loved being able to play in the country. There's nothing like mud, trees, creeks, and horses all at once! Not to mention the ducks and chickens!
Earlier Seth took the boys on the four wheeler. Justus really liked that one! It was a little scarry watching him drive, but at least he had fun. After everyone left, Seth and I went out on the four wheeler. We had so much fun! He took me to a bunch of little places that I had no idea were there. What a fun time! After his being gone on the Ambulance squad for the whole weekend, it was so nice to spend that extra time with him. (He is proud of me for getting some more "manly" posts on my blog. Cowboys & horses, and loaders on my blog - who would have thought!?!)


Ana said...

I'm glad you are able to spend time with your brothers. :) I love being in the country, although I do not live in the country, I love visiting farms and differnet out of town places.

Kat said...

What fun pictures of your cowboy husband and brothers! I am so glad that you got to spend time with your brothers during the past week...I know I enoyed my weekend with my siblings. :)
(It IS funny how, all of a sudden, we have pictures of such things on our blogs...you have loaders and horses, and I have welders and spark plugs! :) It is an interesting and enjoyable journey being a wife, isn't it?!)