Thursday, January 24, 2008

Crochet Creations

Here is my latest project. You may ask, "Why did you make a Barbie dress?" Good question. In all shallowness - It looked like fun. I remember playing Barbies with my sister when we were younger, and dress up was always the incentive. We never did take a lot of time forming an interesting story for them because we were always too busy doing their hair and putting pretty clothes on them. Yes, I'm almost a "legal adult" and I still enjoy dolls every once in a while. When they came out with my-size Barbies I remember being sad that they were all shorter than me because, really, I was "too old" for Barbies. Maybe I just miss my sisters. We always did each other's hair and helped pick out our clothes. Gotta love all those girly moments! Maybe some day the Lord will bless us with a daughter so that I don't have to play Barbies any more;o)

1 comment:

Ana said...

I love it! It's so fun and beautiful. Nice job!!