Friday, October 03, 2008

Dumping Day

Yes, this is my man driving his big red beast - the dump truck!

This is the stick of far too many gears in all of its brilliance!

These are the levers that make the box go up and down for dumping. I know, - pretty impressive!

He was so sweet and called to see if I would like to go with him on a scrap metal run to Marshall! We dropped Kevin off at the folks' house and had such a lovely time running our random little errands. He took me out for lunch and then we came back only to turn around and go to Wilmar to pick up one of the trucks. Since he bought me lunch, I bought him ice cream on the way home. A little redundant seeing as it all comes out of the same pocket, but it made me feel like I was buying him something fun;o) Thanks for the fun day Streblow! I love you! You're my absolute favorite!!!


Jess said...

that sounds like fun -looking forward to seeing u guys again sometime hopefully soon! miss u!

ExploreColorado said...

What a lovely day. (It's nice to have grandparents close, we're finding that out).

Ana said...

Awww, how fun!! I long for and look forward to the days when I can "tag" along with my wonderful man.