Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Make-shift McDonald's

So, Seth had to be away last night and tonight so rather than getting all gloomy, I decided to eat out in. If a pregnant lady truly does have cravings (which sometimes I wonder if it is just an excuse to eat whatever sounds good) greasy fast food has been mine. I know - terrible! Normally when it is just Kevin and I, the idea of making a big nice meal seems a bit silly, but tonight seemed special. So I cut up some potato, whipped up a hamburger, and got out all the fixings. I even took the extra effort of dicing the onions super tiny like they do on McDonald's cheesburgers. Ha! I just read all that I just wrote. Anyway... the Coke is in the picture for effect. I just had juice. Kevin helped me gobble down the french fries. All in all, it was a yummy experience.


Dandelionmom said...

YUM!! MUCH better than Mickey Dees!! Makes me feel a bit guilty for that popcorn-for-super thing I did last week. We did have milk?

Jess said...

i want to eat at your house! that looks delicious! :)

The Horaks said...

What a great idea for satisfying your 'cravings'! ;) I know what you mean about cravings...I haven't decided if they're for real yet or not either. If I crave anything, it's cheese, cottage cheese, and a chimichanga with green chili refried beans, cheddar cheese, and sour cream. Mmmm.... ;)