Friday, February 27, 2009

Silly Snapshots

Well, there you have it - a picture of my two babies;o) For some reason blogging has been a bit low on the priority list as of late. The days seem to clip by, and I seem to get sleepier the faster they go. I've been feeling really well otherwise. Despite sleepiness and much yawning, I still have somehow managed to get housework done - I think if I stay moving I don't get quite as sleepy. Yesterday I even dusted everything (which for me is really good because dusting is always the last thing - mostly because it is my least favorite thing to do). Seth and I were talking about "deep" things a few days ago and he was so good to bring up something along the lines of not looking at life and circumstances as being the victim (it was something like that), which is easy to do, but to have the discipline to do what needs to be done. In playing the victim, the end result is laziness due to selfishness. It was so good for me to hear that challenge.


The Horaks said...

I'm with you on the dusting, Charity! It is my least favorite chore as well!!!! :P You've inspired me though...I think I'll work on getting some dusting done tonight! ;)

You're looking really cute, btw! You're almost half-way! Hurray! :D

Ana said...


ExploreColorado said...

What a cute little baby belly.