Saturday, March 07, 2009

Us Update

Seth took Kevin and I up to Casselton, ND with him this last week. It was nice to get away for a bit. The hotel we stayed at is the same one that we stayed in the last time we were there - the one with the very nice water park. Unfortunately, we never did end up taking advantage of the great pool. Kevin ended up getting a fever and now we are all sick with some kind of congestion flu bug that's been going around in our circles. I'm hoping Kevin is nearing the end since he has had it since Thursday morning. I'm a couple days into it, and Seth is just starting to show signs of the same thing. Blucgh!!! May da resd of you sday healthy.


The Horaks said...

I'm so sorry you guys are all sick! :P Hope you're feeling better soon!

ExploreColorado said...

Fun, fun. Don't you just love getting sick when you're traveling? Hope you all get well soon.