Monday, January 19, 2009

Training Time

Here goes! Today Kevin has been learning how use the toilet. Every two hours he gets put on the chair - to his dread. Most people say to wait until they are 2 or older (although I read an article about starting them right from birth -yikes!), but since I am home all day with nothing better to do than torture my child, I thought the sooner he learns, the better (plus the thought of two little ones in diapers doesn't sound very appealing). I try and make it an exciting event for him, but going potty can only be so thrilling. He has actually done quite well so far. The diaper I changed him into this morning is the same one he has on now, and he has gone two times in the toilet! Good job Kevin! Now the key will be if I can stay disciplined enough to help him through this process. I'm hoping that if I stay on top of this that he can understand sooner than later. My mother did it - maybe there's hope for me too.


jules said...

way to go! hope it works:)

The Horaks said...

I'm sure you will both do great! :)

Jess said...

wow! i can't believe he's already old enough to be doing this! so exciting! :)

Kat said...

I hope it goes well! May Jesus give you strength to persevere with patience. :)

ExploreColorado said...

Fun Fun!!! Hope it goes well for you. I really tried hard with my first one. It only resulted in stress and frustration. My second one I decided not to push the idea, and she taught herself. One day she happened to be in the bathroom with me, while I was using it and asked " how do dat mommy? how do dat?" , so when I finished I set her up there with no results. I didn't worry about it. A couple days later, I noticed, she was missing her diaper ... later upon entering the bathroom, discovered the missing diaper next to the toilet. I thought it was a fluke and didn't want to get my hopes up. Pretty soon it began to be a pattern, and eventually I stopped putting her in diapers.
I hope number three trains that easily, but I guess I'll wait and see. Nothing can be as hard as training my oldest.
He'll get it when he's ready.