Friday, January 16, 2009

My Man

Seth was such a sweet husband yesterday. When he came home from work, he had a dozen pink roses for me. Wow! I was putting them in water when Kevin walked in with some chocolates for me (which on second thought he decided that he wanted to play with them instead, so he did an immediate about face to go play). As if that wasn't sweet enough, when he came home again after having to go out and plow a couple places, he brought me my favorite snack ~Gardettos! I thought he was done surprising me after the roses, but then when we went into our bedroom, he had laid out the most beautiful, softest and cozy pink robe on our bed. For such amazing behavior, what else can I do but say that he is the most amazing man in the world!


Kat said...

How delightful!

jules said...

awesome:) that all sounds so sweet charity!!

The Horaks said...

Awe...that's so sweet!

Dandelionmom said...

AWE!! I always knew there was some ooie gooie sweetness in that rugged guy! LOL

ExploreColorado said...

Aww! How thoughtful. What a lovely surprise.