Monday, January 12, 2009

Us Update

Yes, we are alive and well. It has been quite a while since my last post. The new year came, and with it comes the looking over of last year's business, and filling in the projections for the year ahead. Seth has been rather busy getting things organized and running properly; unfortunately, in the mix of things, he broke his finger and had to have stitches. It was looking pretty bad at the beginning, but it is looking a lot better now. He still has to try and do everything left handed though, and is more than ready to have two hands again, but he does very well for being injured! In fact, he is quite the superman in my estimation;o) Kevin has been a jabber box lately, and it has been fun hearing him try and copy words that you say. He spends most of his day roaming around the house making truck noises, and saying woof whenever he hears Silence bark. I have been doing well. The only thing that reminds me that I'm pregnant is an occasional headache, and the fact that my waistline is just starting to leave me - both of which are much more agreeable than nausea!
Tomorrow Seth and I celebrate our two year anniversary. In some ways it seems that it has gone by so fast, and in other ways I feel like we have known each other forever. I praise God for his love and kindness in bringing Seth and I together. Truly, I don't deserve to be blessed with such a family! May we strive to live lives that honor Him!


Kat said...

Happy Anniversary, my friend!
It was lovely to spend some time with you last weekend. :) We'll probably get to see more of each other soon; Caleb has more welding to do on that screen, I guess.
How can it possibly be two years already???

ExploreColorado said...

Happy aniversary!!! Funny how time flies. You blink and its gone.
No Morning sickness!!! How fortunate you are. I bet Kevin can't wait to be a big brother.

The Horaks said...

It was fun reading your update, Charity! I hope Seth will be able to use his hand again soon; I can imagine how frustrating that would be! Hope you two had a wonderful anniversary! Congratulations on two years of marriage!! :)

jules said...

congratulations on your anniversary charity and seth! great picture of you three!!! SO excited about your 2nd baby!!:)

Dandelionmom said...

Congratulations! It has been a priveledge to watch the Lord work in your lives-and see that little man grow!

Ana said...

Great to hear from you. Thanks for the up-date!